What makes us different?

We create opportunities. Over the last decade, we coached over 10,500 classes and 1,000 athletes developing the experience, patience, and wisdom needed to make real change in our members’ lives. We make sure that our members have the tools, the coaching and the opportunity to improve themselves in mind body and spirit through challenging and fun physical work.

On a daily basis, we help people to strive for more, more than feel or look better, but to truly BE BETTER; better than they were yesterday, better than what they expected, better in every area of life. That is what makes it so addictive.

We help people live a life they love because we know that we were all gifted by our creator with mind, body, and spirit and to neglect or abuse any of these gifts diminishes them all. But with dedication, focus and positive, like-minded healthy people surrounding and leading you, you can live abundantly.