As I was looking through my lame book of notes of WODs, I noticed I am approaching my 6 month of CrossFit! Which then began a reflection… I am 32 years old. Started running competitively at age 8. It was then I fell in love with hurdles and high jump, obviously my ups! Continued running through high school, qualifing for the international track tour (Jr Olympics, on the U.S. track team in ’97) Ran in Sweden, placed 3rd in the 100m hurdles, and pr’d in the high jump at 5’6. Best experience of my life!! I thrive on competition, and want to be good!! Fast forward (promise I have a point) I get scholarship offers and head to Sam Houston State University to be a heptathalete! That goes nowhere, almost a year, didn’t like the coach, he was very negative and not who recruited me. Anywho, my point, almost 13 years later I am back where I was lifting and stronger. My drive to be better is back. When I leave and reflect on a WOD, I think I could have done better, maybe lifted stronger! Thank You for having such a strong CrossFit box, they aren’t all like this! So here’s to another 6 months and goals to be achieved!!! I am a Silverback supporter all the way!!!