I started Crossfit in the summer of 2013 after the birth of my second daughter as a means to get back into shape. As a stay at home mother, Iearned to find something to do for myself, I just didn’t know what that something was. At the time, my sister was a Crossfitter and said she really enjoyed the workouts and that it might be something I should look into. I figured that if she liked it and could do it, then I could too. So I searched the nearest gym and signed up at Crossfit Silverback. The first day I walked in for class, I arrived a little early and saw that the people in the previous class were performing handstand push-ups. I remember mumbling to myself, “what in the world am I doing here, I can’t do that, I want to leave.” But I didn’t! That day plus a few days after, I was completely out of my comfort zone, but I knew I had to suck it up and do something different for a change…for me. Everyday was hard, but I refused to quit. I’m so grateful I didn’t! Soon after, I quickly found the competitive side of Crossfit to be incredibly appealing and motivating and I knew that was the path I wanted to stay on. It was and still is fun and challenging. I started seeing changes in my body and that’s when it became addicting. I began to clean up my diet and I started gaining muscle, I leaned out, and I felt myself getting stronger. Crossfit has undeniably changed my life forever and it could do the same for you.
If your are intimidated by Crossfit.. Don’t be! The best thing about this journey is that you have no idea how great you can be..each day you get a little bit leaner, stronger, and better. In no way is it easy but nothing worth having ever comes easy.
Lastly, my husband now Crossfits and we enjoy talking to each other about our days, WODs, PR’s and everything Crossfit. Oh, and about those handstand push-ups…I am very proud to say they no longer intimidate me, I can complete them whenever they show up in a workout 🙂
Thank you!