I had gone some 40+ years without knowing anything about Crossfit. I had a membership at a “globo gym” for a while I’d do my 45 minutes on the treadmill/elliptical, do a few sit-ups etc. and go home and was surprised that the weight wasn’t coming off. I went to the first Saturday work out at Crossfit Silverback. I thought I would try it for a couple of weeks and see how it fit.
The first week was trying. I was learning new terminology and my body was learning new moves. I was so de-conditioned that all I did the first weeks were air squats, push ups against a bench, and ring rows in place of pull ups. Week by week I kept coming and little by little I improved. The bench push ups turned into push up against boxes, and one day Coach Matt said “Try a couple of girl push ups from the floor”. I was amazed when I did it!!! I don’t think I did girl push ups even when I was in elementary school. I am starting to do real pull ups (with a red band) and someday with no bands at all.
At the “globo” gym, I could look down and see the people working in the free weight area and it seemed like a different universe, now not only do I know what they are, I am really doing them! Another red letter day was when I deadlifted 200 lbs!
When I began, I did not weigh 200 lbs, but was so close to it I could touch it. Since starting CFSB, I have lost 20 lbs, but more important my body is getting toned and clothes that were sitting in the back of my closet are now getting a second life. I feel more energized and I sleep like a rock now.
I have experienced three things at this “box” that I did not get at my “globo” gym. First is that Matt knows who I am and what my assets and limitations are; and he motivates me to excel and improve. Second is a community of fellow athletes that encourage me during disappointments and celebrate my successes. I really don’t consider them ‘fellow athletes’ at all; they are my friends and extended family. The third thing is to be an example to my children. When they come to the “box” while I workout, they see that being healthy is important and this is what mama does. This I did not get – or see – at my old gym.
I am still a work in progress but aren’t we all? What I have learned about myself is that I can push myself past what I think I can do. Never get comfortable with routine – Routine is the enemy! Thank you Matt and everyone for helping me discover this new person. Now, WHO’S THE MAMA!!
*Results may vary from person to person.