Mike’s story speaks for itself. I would only add what a great job he does as a “quiet leader” you might want to slow down or give up, but you look over and see his effort and dedication and it makes you keep going. GREAT JOB MIKE!
“As someone who teaches and coaches young people for a living my struggle was not with knowing how to be healthy it was about actually doing it. I have always loved sports. Growing up I went from sport to sport based on what season it was. In college and for a few years after I had found rugby as my athletic outlet. But over time I found myself becoming less and less active.
In June of 2013 while on vacation I stepped on the scale and it read 293 lbs, that was unacceptable. Something was going to change. I knew that I needed to find someway to get active that was going to get monotonous and end in me giving it up after a few weeks. So I sent a message to co-worker and Crossfit Guru Sonya Cranford which simply said “Crossfit, convince me.” She told me to give the free into class a try.
What I found Crossfit was not going to be easy, but it is the right kind of hard. The workouts are constantly varied which keeps it interesting and challenging. In 4+ months of eating right (just as important) and working with the great trainers and fellow athletes at Crossfit Silverback I have lost around 60 lbs, my pant size is down and my energy level is up.”
*Results may vary from person to person.